Here are some links to other L.A.R.P. Related sites.
Please note that these are external websites and so we are not responsible for their content or upkeep, all links open in a new window.
If any of the links on this page fail to work, or you would like us to put a link to your website on this page, please contact us at info@larpgems.com with the address and a short description of your organization.
Wikipedia - The definition of live action role-play (L.A.R.P.) and lots of useful and interesting information.
Hack & Slash - Hack and Slash is a professional prop and l.a.r.p. weapon making company run by Kevin Hazelden from the Gem's Trading Co Tent at most live events, Hack and Slash has been creating l.a.r.p. weapons and props for well over two decades.
Hemlock FX - Hemlock FX is a professional s.f.x. company run by Harmony Locke from the Gem's Trading Co Tent at most live events, Hemlock fx offers professional solutions for all your makeup needs.
Menhirs Fate -Menhirs Fate is a new l.a.r.p. Festival for 2025 and will be running events in Cambridge.
Herofest - Herofest l.a.r.p. organise and run larping Festivals and live action role playing weekends throughout the summer.
Beyond Ragnarok LARP - Beyond Ragnarok is a Fest-style Fantasy-based Viking game set in the dark age era, inspired by real-world Norse mythology and the unanswered question: what happened next? held at Bipsham hall Wigan.
Labyrinth - Labyrinth is a high fantasy club style l.a.r.p. system based in Chislehurst Caves in Kent.
Orion Sphere - Orion Sphere L.A.R.P. is a science fiction live role play game set in the distant future, being run in the Midlands.
Steam Weave - A new Gothic Horror l.a.r.p. system featuring a blend of Medieval High Fantasy and Victorian era Steampunk run in Staffordshire.
Profound Decisions - A L.A.R.P. Company that runs multiple festival style systems including Empire.
The Gritlands - a grimly hilarious post-apocalyptic L.A.R.P.
The Neothera Saga - A high fantasy L.A.R.P. system with seam punk elements.
Curious Pastimes - A long standing high fantasy L.A.R.P. system within the U.K. running festivals throughout the summer.
Forever's Destiny - High fantasy L.A.R.P. club based in Manchester.
Heroes & Heroines - A high fantasy L.A.R.P. system, based in the West Midlands.
Fools & Heroes - A U.K. based high fantasy L.A.R.P. Society
LarpCon - A U.K. based twice a year L.A.R.P. kit fair and the home of the U.K. L.A.R.P. awards!
Whats Your Game - A U.K. based, LA.R.P. kit fair based in Gloucester.